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Help Us Prevent Heart Disease...Take the Survey!
Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in Ulster County, New York State, and the nation. To address this, Ulster County Department of Health has put together a communitywide Heart Health team along with a community survey that will help guide our work and reduce fatalities in our community. Please take a moment to complete this very short online survey. Your input is valuable and very much appreciated!
Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in Ulster County and the nation. Together with our community partners, the Ulster County Department of Health has convened a Heart Disease Prevention Team to bring down the rate of heart disease-related fatalities in Ulster County.
Our Plan to Reduce Heart Disease
A big and complex public health challenge like heart disease has a lot of moving parts and a lot of contributing causes including diet and physical activity, access to preventive healthcare, and individual’s genetic makeup. They also include what is known as the "social determinants of health," such as:
Access to safe and affordable housing
Fresh and nutritious foods
Educational attainment
Family income
These factors are critical because you cannot take an individual or family out of the total context in which they lead their lives, including all their barriers and challenges, and expect them to thrive.
In order to address a big public health challenge, it's necessary to break it down to its component parts and create a strategic framework that represents the key drivers contributing to heart disease. Each component can then be researched, investigated, and developed separately, while being well integrated into the whole.
The Heart Disease Prevention Team has created a strategic framework to combat heart disease that focuses on:
Preventing Heart Disease - Enhancing awareness of risk and protective/prevention factors.
Early Detection and Intervention - Enhancing awareness of the importance of regular preventative screenings that monitor blood pressure, A1C/blood sugar, cholesterol, and other key indicators of heart disease, as well as where to go to get proper follow-up care.
Managing Heart Disease - Effectively managing heart disease if you've already been diagnosed.
Harm Reduction - Recognizing the signs and symptoms of heart attack and stroke and understanding the importance of seeking immediate medical attention as well as expanding CPR training and access to AEDs throughout Ulster County and enhancing emergency response time and resources.
Communications and Messaging - Utilizing traditional and new media, plus live prevention-themed events, hosted by healthcare and wellness professionals, in trusted community settings throughout Ulster County.
Help Us Prevent Heart Disease...Take the Survey!
Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in Ulster County, New York State, and the nation. To address this, Ulster County Department of Health has put together a communitywide Heart Health team along with a community survey that will help guide our work and reduce fatalities in our community. Please take a moment to complete this very short online survey. Your input is valuable and very much appreciated!
Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in Ulster County and the nation. Together with our community partners, the Ulster County Department of Health has convened a Heart Disease Prevention Team to bring down the rate of heart disease-related fatalities in Ulster County.
Our Plan to Reduce Heart Disease
A big and complex public health challenge like heart disease has a lot of moving parts and a lot of contributing causes including diet and physical activity, access to preventive healthcare, and individual’s genetic makeup. They also include what is known as the "social determinants of health," such as:
Access to safe and affordable housing
Fresh and nutritious foods
Educational attainment
Family income
These factors are critical because you cannot take an individual or family out of the total context in which they lead their lives, including all their barriers and challenges, and expect them to thrive.
In order to address a big public health challenge, it's necessary to break it down to its component parts and create a strategic framework that represents the key drivers contributing to heart disease. Each component can then be researched, investigated, and developed separately, while being well integrated into the whole.
The Heart Disease Prevention Team has created a strategic framework to combat heart disease that focuses on:
Preventing Heart Disease - Enhancing awareness of risk and protective/prevention factors.
Early Detection and Intervention - Enhancing awareness of the importance of regular preventative screenings that monitor blood pressure, A1C/blood sugar, cholesterol, and other key indicators of heart disease, as well as where to go to get proper follow-up care.
Managing Heart Disease - Effectively managing heart disease if you've already been diagnosed.
Harm Reduction - Recognizing the signs and symptoms of heart attack and stroke and understanding the importance of seeking immediate medical attention as well as expanding CPR training and access to AEDs throughout Ulster County and enhancing emergency response time and resources.
Communications and Messaging - Utilizing traditional and new media, plus live prevention-themed events, hosted by healthcare and wellness professionals, in trusted community settings throughout Ulster County.
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Help Us Prevent Heart Disease...Take the Survey!
Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in Ulster County, New York State, and the nation. To address this, Ulster County Department of Health has put together a communitywide Heart Health team along with a community survey that will help guide our work and reduce fatalities in our community. Please take a moment to complete this very short online survey(External link). Your input is valuable and very much appreciated!
Establish five key Strategic Framework categories with key goals and objectives.
Determine whether interventions related to these objectives already exist in and around Ulster County and need to be enhanced, or if they need to be created and resourced to develop and actualize them.
Investigate most promising and innovative practices elsewhere in the country and identify would be needed to replicate them in Ulster County.
Create a Strategic Plan of Action that includes actionable recommendations to present to the County Executive, Legislature, and other stakeholders.
Line up resources (existing, new, collective community partner resources, and grant opportunities).
Launch, measure, and adjust.
Ongoing:Review data and statistics from various federal, state, and local sources to determine if heart disease-related trendlines in Ulster County are heading in the right direction. Additionally, implement service provider, community partner, and public/stakeholder surveys to assess awareness, utilization of services, and behaviors related to preventing and mitigating heart disease.