UCAT Route Optimization Plan

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We are charting a course to optimize Ulster County Area Transit (UCAT) to better serve travel needs in Ulster County — and we want to hear from YOU as we embark on this effort!

An overview of this materials was provided by project staff on November 13th; recordings and presentation slides can be found under "Previous Public Meeting Materials."

UCAT is partnering with the Ulster County Transportation Council (UCTC) on the UCAT Route Optimization Plan to study how the existing UCAT system — including its routes, schedules, and services — can be transformed to better serve the public.

All project materials will be posted in the menu to the right, as well as on the UCTC Website, as they become available, including an upcoming interactive mapping platform.

Public Information Sessions

Two identical public information sessions were held on Wednesday November 13 at the Restorative Justice and Community Empowerment Center in Kingston, NY. Recordings and presentation slides are available for viewing under Previous Public Meeting Materials.

All previous public information session slides and recordings can be viewed by following the links on the window to the right; members of the public are welcome to submit questions to staff through the Q&A tool below.

Project Lifecycle steps include the following:

  1. Current Routes and Data Points
  2. Technology and Software Analysis
  3. Route and Service Alternatives
  4. Scenario Vetting and Field Testing
  5. Implementation Plan
  6. Updated Service Launch

We are charting a course to optimize Ulster County Area Transit (UCAT) to better serve travel needs in Ulster County — and we want to hear from YOU as we embark on this effort!

An overview of this materials was provided by project staff on November 13th; recordings and presentation slides can be found under "Previous Public Meeting Materials."

UCAT is partnering with the Ulster County Transportation Council (UCTC) on the UCAT Route Optimization Plan to study how the existing UCAT system — including its routes, schedules, and services — can be transformed to better serve the public.

All project materials will be posted in the menu to the right, as well as on the UCTC Website, as they become available, including an upcoming interactive mapping platform.

Public Information Sessions

Two identical public information sessions were held on Wednesday November 13 at the Restorative Justice and Community Empowerment Center in Kingston, NY. Recordings and presentation slides are available for viewing under Previous Public Meeting Materials.

All previous public information session slides and recordings can be viewed by following the links on the window to the right; members of the public are welcome to submit questions to staff through the Q&A tool below.

Project Lifecycle steps include the following:

  1. Current Routes and Data Points
  2. Technology and Software Analysis
  3. Route and Service Alternatives
  4. Scenario Vetting and Field Testing
  5. Implementation Plan
  6. Updated Service Launch

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  • Share None of the scenarios for any of the routes include pathways for improved service if solutions are found for specific challenges/constraints/gaps (e.g., funding, driver shortages). Would it be possible to include such scenarios for a menu of service improvement options (e.g., weekend/Sunday service, greater frequencies, schedule frequencies during driver lunch breaks)? on Facebook Share None of the scenarios for any of the routes include pathways for improved service if solutions are found for specific challenges/constraints/gaps (e.g., funding, driver shortages). Would it be possible to include such scenarios for a menu of service improvement options (e.g., weekend/Sunday service, greater frequencies, schedule frequencies during driver lunch breaks)? on Twitter Share None of the scenarios for any of the routes include pathways for improved service if solutions are found for specific challenges/constraints/gaps (e.g., funding, driver shortages). Would it be possible to include such scenarios for a menu of service improvement options (e.g., weekend/Sunday service, greater frequencies, schedule frequencies during driver lunch breaks)? on Linkedin Email None of the scenarios for any of the routes include pathways for improved service if solutions are found for specific challenges/constraints/gaps (e.g., funding, driver shortages). Would it be possible to include such scenarios for a menu of service improvement options (e.g., weekend/Sunday service, greater frequencies, schedule frequencies during driver lunch breaks)? link

    None of the scenarios for any of the routes include pathways for improved service if solutions are found for specific challenges/constraints/gaps (e.g., funding, driver shortages). Would it be possible to include such scenarios for a menu of service improvement options (e.g., weekend/Sunday service, greater frequencies, schedule frequencies during driver lunch breaks)?

    Resilient Ulster County asked 3 months ago

    We'll endeavor to take these additional services into account as we develop revised scenarios for implementation.  At a minimum they can be listed as recommendations for policy makers going forward. 

  • Share You ask about more information, and offer yes or no: best practices suggest "not at this time" The Blue Line covers some great area but the transit time and interarrival time it way too long. We want a shuttle bus to build on existing "quorum" stops, where people are already there and can hop and off. The Blue Line is something else. The KCor Shuttle transit and interarrival times carry people on Kingston's Main Street (re: Main Street Manager Program). That's a three mile backbone of the city... appendages could follow. So very very much that happens in Kingston happens on the KCor. If you add a block or two walk perpendicular to the Corridor, there are more wonderful places. So much to say about what the Kingston Corridor could do for the people of Kingston and the city! there is literally too much to say! :-) Love to have you on board. on Facebook Share You ask about more information, and offer yes or no: best practices suggest "not at this time" The Blue Line covers some great area but the transit time and interarrival time it way too long. We want a shuttle bus to build on existing "quorum" stops, where people are already there and can hop and off. The Blue Line is something else. The KCor Shuttle transit and interarrival times carry people on Kingston's Main Street (re: Main Street Manager Program). That's a three mile backbone of the city... appendages could follow. So very very much that happens in Kingston happens on the KCor. If you add a block or two walk perpendicular to the Corridor, there are more wonderful places. So much to say about what the Kingston Corridor could do for the people of Kingston and the city! there is literally too much to say! :-) Love to have you on board. on Twitter Share You ask about more information, and offer yes or no: best practices suggest "not at this time" The Blue Line covers some great area but the transit time and interarrival time it way too long. We want a shuttle bus to build on existing "quorum" stops, where people are already there and can hop and off. The Blue Line is something else. The KCor Shuttle transit and interarrival times carry people on Kingston's Main Street (re: Main Street Manager Program). That's a three mile backbone of the city... appendages could follow. So very very much that happens in Kingston happens on the KCor. If you add a block or two walk perpendicular to the Corridor, there are more wonderful places. So much to say about what the Kingston Corridor could do for the people of Kingston and the city! there is literally too much to say! :-) Love to have you on board. on Linkedin Email You ask about more information, and offer yes or no: best practices suggest "not at this time" The Blue Line covers some great area but the transit time and interarrival time it way too long. We want a shuttle bus to build on existing "quorum" stops, where people are already there and can hop and off. The Blue Line is something else. The KCor Shuttle transit and interarrival times carry people on Kingston's Main Street (re: Main Street Manager Program). That's a three mile backbone of the city... appendages could follow. So very very much that happens in Kingston happens on the KCor. If you add a block or two walk perpendicular to the Corridor, there are more wonderful places. So much to say about what the Kingston Corridor could do for the people of Kingston and the city! there is literally too much to say! :-) Love to have you on board. link

    You ask about more information, and offer yes or no: best practices suggest "not at this time" The Blue Line covers some great area but the transit time and interarrival time it way too long. We want a shuttle bus to build on existing "quorum" stops, where people are already there and can hop and off. The Blue Line is something else. The KCor Shuttle transit and interarrival times carry people on Kingston's Main Street (re: Main Street Manager Program). That's a three mile backbone of the city... appendages could follow. So very very much that happens in Kingston happens on the KCor. If you add a block or two walk perpendicular to the Corridor, there are more wonderful places. So much to say about what the Kingston Corridor could do for the people of Kingston and the city! there is literally too much to say! :-) Love to have you on board.

    kingston corridor shuttle bus asked 3 months ago

    The proposed service routes have been consolidated to run on fewer corridors, but the proposals continue to focus on providing population-dense areas with access to essential services and key destinations (grocery shopping, government services, etc). The proposed Route 2 could provide 30 minute service frequency during peak hours under Scenario B.  Broadway, for example, is also interlined with Routes 3, 4, 7, & 10

  • Share Do you have any thoughts on recommendations to address the driver shortage, such as creating a task force? Thank you. on Facebook Share Do you have any thoughts on recommendations to address the driver shortage, such as creating a task force? Thank you. on Twitter Share Do you have any thoughts on recommendations to address the driver shortage, such as creating a task force? Thank you. on Linkedin Email Do you have any thoughts on recommendations to address the driver shortage, such as creating a task force? Thank you. link

    Do you have any thoughts on recommendations to address the driver shortage, such as creating a task force? Thank you.

    Ella Ray asked 3 months ago

    Driver shortage is a consistent challenge experienced by bus companies throughout the United States right now.  For this study, the nature of our recommendations is limited to how the service can be designed that may appeal to drivers more and increase retention (like how in Scenario 2 would have more opportunities for shorter shifts). A task force is a good recommendation, but with the understanding that a lot of the issues with driver shortages are beyond UCAT/UCTC's control.

  • Share Who determines the scope of the study and could it be expanded to consider various scenarios for a more robust system, I.e. with high frequency routes in denser areas, and service on weekends and holidays? on Facebook Share Who determines the scope of the study and could it be expanded to consider various scenarios for a more robust system, I.e. with high frequency routes in denser areas, and service on weekends and holidays? on Twitter Share Who determines the scope of the study and could it be expanded to consider various scenarios for a more robust system, I.e. with high frequency routes in denser areas, and service on weekends and holidays? on Linkedin Email Who determines the scope of the study and could it be expanded to consider various scenarios for a more robust system, I.e. with high frequency routes in denser areas, and service on weekends and holidays? link

    Who determines the scope of the study and could it be expanded to consider various scenarios for a more robust system, I.e. with high frequency routes in denser areas, and service on weekends and holidays?

    Ella Ray asked 3 months ago

    The scope of the study was developed through a collaborative process between UCTC, UCAT, and the Ulster County Executive’s Office.  The current scenarios presented include a 25% increase in county investment to achieve the service coverage and frequency described.  A 25% increase in expenditure is a hypothetical and ambitious financial goal; these additional resources are quickly absorbed as we try to provide transit access throughout the county. In the past, Ulster County municipalities that wanted additional transit service have paid additional dollars of their own to receive those services, which could be considered.

  • Share Is there consideration to connect UCAT service with additional major employment centers in the region (e.g., Rhinebeck, Albany, Bard College)? Some of the distances aren't much further than the longest routes in the proposed scenarios and could be a major force for access to economic opportunities. on Facebook Share Is there consideration to connect UCAT service with additional major employment centers in the region (e.g., Rhinebeck, Albany, Bard College)? Some of the distances aren't much further than the longest routes in the proposed scenarios and could be a major force for access to economic opportunities. on Twitter Share Is there consideration to connect UCAT service with additional major employment centers in the region (e.g., Rhinebeck, Albany, Bard College)? Some of the distances aren't much further than the longest routes in the proposed scenarios and could be a major force for access to economic opportunities. on Linkedin Email Is there consideration to connect UCAT service with additional major employment centers in the region (e.g., Rhinebeck, Albany, Bard College)? Some of the distances aren't much further than the longest routes in the proposed scenarios and could be a major force for access to economic opportunities. link

    Is there consideration to connect UCAT service with additional major employment centers in the region (e.g., Rhinebeck, Albany, Bard College)? Some of the distances aren't much further than the longest routes in the proposed scenarios and could be a major force for access to economic opportunities.

    Resilient Ulster County asked 3 months ago

    While we’re collecting input on destinations not currently served, the initial route recommendations do not expand the service to the destinations you’ve listed here.  Also keep in mind that UCAT is the only regional public transit provider that has operational authority outside of Ulster County, which it uses to connect to Newburgh and Poughkeepsie.

  • Share Would it be possible to include real time digital displays at UCAT stops for when the next buses are expected similar to CDTA in the Capital Region (using Soofa digital displays)? on Facebook Share Would it be possible to include real time digital displays at UCAT stops for when the next buses are expected similar to CDTA in the Capital Region (using Soofa digital displays)? on Twitter Share Would it be possible to include real time digital displays at UCAT stops for when the next buses are expected similar to CDTA in the Capital Region (using Soofa digital displays)? on Linkedin Email Would it be possible to include real time digital displays at UCAT stops for when the next buses are expected similar to CDTA in the Capital Region (using Soofa digital displays)? link

    Would it be possible to include real time digital displays at UCAT stops for when the next buses are expected similar to CDTA in the Capital Region (using Soofa digital displays)?

    Resilient Ulster County asked 3 months ago

    Yes; the study includes a full inventory and analysis of UCAT software systems currently in use and will evaluate state of the art proprietary systems for compatibility.  The purpose is to understand which software systems are best suited for UCAT’s needs and to consider how new options, such as routing and scheduling capabilities (including for microtransit), real time notification systems, mobile apps, and fare collection systems may be integrated for future use. Displays such as those that you reference would represent an additional capital expense and require maintenance. 

  • Share Are there plans to add a UCAT route to the Rhinecliff Amtrak Station? Twenty-six trains stop daily at this station, with direct access to 35 cities, yet there is no public transit connection for Ulster County residents. Rhinecliff station is undergoing renovations, train frequency is set to improve, and there are plans to increase speeds on the Empire Rail Corridor. Now seems like a good time to establish a reliable public transit connection between the most densely populated parts of the County with this well-served train station just across the river. on Facebook Share Are there plans to add a UCAT route to the Rhinecliff Amtrak Station? Twenty-six trains stop daily at this station, with direct access to 35 cities, yet there is no public transit connection for Ulster County residents. Rhinecliff station is undergoing renovations, train frequency is set to improve, and there are plans to increase speeds on the Empire Rail Corridor. Now seems like a good time to establish a reliable public transit connection between the most densely populated parts of the County with this well-served train station just across the river. on Twitter Share Are there plans to add a UCAT route to the Rhinecliff Amtrak Station? Twenty-six trains stop daily at this station, with direct access to 35 cities, yet there is no public transit connection for Ulster County residents. Rhinecliff station is undergoing renovations, train frequency is set to improve, and there are plans to increase speeds on the Empire Rail Corridor. Now seems like a good time to establish a reliable public transit connection between the most densely populated parts of the County with this well-served train station just across the river. on Linkedin Email Are there plans to add a UCAT route to the Rhinecliff Amtrak Station? Twenty-six trains stop daily at this station, with direct access to 35 cities, yet there is no public transit connection for Ulster County residents. Rhinecliff station is undergoing renovations, train frequency is set to improve, and there are plans to increase speeds on the Empire Rail Corridor. Now seems like a good time to establish a reliable public transit connection between the most densely populated parts of the County with this well-served train station just across the river. link

    Are there plans to add a UCAT route to the Rhinecliff Amtrak Station? Twenty-six trains stop daily at this station, with direct access to 35 cities, yet there is no public transit connection for Ulster County residents. Rhinecliff station is undergoing renovations, train frequency is set to improve, and there are plans to increase speeds on the Empire Rail Corridor. Now seems like a good time to establish a reliable public transit connection between the most densely populated parts of the County with this well-served train station just across the river.

    Philip Schoettle-Greene asked 3 months ago

    UCAT provides access to the Metro North station in Poughkeepsie direct from Kingston and New Paltz.  Much of the Empire Service from Rhinecliff also stops at the Poughkeepsie Station. In addition, much of the Amtrak service heading north also stops at Poughkeepsie.  Given these factors, access to Rhinecliff has not been deemed a priority. 

  • Share Why no service to Wallkill ( town of Shawangunk)? on Facebook Share Why no service to Wallkill ( town of Shawangunk)? on Twitter Share Why no service to Wallkill ( town of Shawangunk)? on Linkedin Email Why no service to Wallkill ( town of Shawangunk)? link

    Why no service to Wallkill ( town of Shawangunk)?

    Arif asked 3 months ago

    The data shows that there is little demand for service in this area – Ulster County has applied for funding for Microtransit that would provide service 2-3 days a week to for the Wallkill Area if the funding is awarded.  UCAT provides a shopping bus to senior projects in the Gardiner and Wallkill Area. 

  • Share Are you coordinating your route planning with the Peter Pan service routes to port authority, thus providing full service to nyc. on Facebook Share Are you coordinating your route planning with the Peter Pan service routes to port authority, thus providing full service to nyc. on Twitter Share Are you coordinating your route planning with the Peter Pan service routes to port authority, thus providing full service to nyc. on Linkedin Email Are you coordinating your route planning with the Peter Pan service routes to port authority, thus providing full service to nyc. link

    Are you coordinating your route planning with the Peter Pan service routes to port authority, thus providing full service to nyc.

    Arif asked 3 months ago

    The Peter Pan service from Kingston Bus Terminal mirrors the Trailways service 

  • Share Are you coordinating your route planning with the Trailways service routes to port authority, thus providing improved transit access to nyc. ' on Facebook Share Are you coordinating your route planning with the Trailways service routes to port authority, thus providing improved transit access to nyc. ' on Twitter Share Are you coordinating your route planning with the Trailways service routes to port authority, thus providing improved transit access to nyc. ' on Linkedin Email Are you coordinating your route planning with the Trailways service routes to port authority, thus providing improved transit access to nyc. ' link

    Are you coordinating your route planning with the Trailways service routes to port authority, thus providing improved transit access to nyc. '

    Arif asked 3 months ago

    As we move further into the route scheduling we will work to coordinate with the Trailways Schedule  Trailways service from Kingston leaves every 30-40 minutes in the morning and our Kingston routes should be able to connect to at least one of these times

Page last updated: 14 Feb 2025, 10:20 AM