Community Climate Action Plan
PROJECT UPDATE: Potential initiatives have been developed! Click here to review the potential initiatives (presented on posters at the October 24th Public Open House).
Ulster County is committed to tackling the climate crisis by shifting to a clean energy economy and bolstering our resilience to the impacts of climate change that are already occurring. As part of this work, the Ulster County Department of the Environment has launched an initiative to develop a countywide Community Climate Action Plan, and its success depends upon input from you! View recently issued press release for the project here.
What is a Community Climate Action Plan?
A Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP) is a strategic plan that identifies actions the County government can take to support reductions in climate-damaging emissions from sources throughout our communities, including from buildings, transportation, and waste disposal, among other sources (view Countywide GHG Inventory and municipal/community GHG inventory profiles here). Most of these emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels for heating and hot water, powering vehicles, and generating electricity, with a smaller percentage of emissions coming from such sources as the breakdown of food waste in landfills and leaks in pipelines and appliances. The Plan will prioritize actions by the County government to help reduce emissions from all these sources and to support residents, businesses, municipalities, and other stakeholders in making the switch to clean, energy-efficient alternatives. The benefits of climate actions must be equitable, and the County is committed to a broad and inclusive public engagement process to ensure that all voices are heard.
Why is the Community Climate Action Plan Important?
We have no time to lose in adopting climate solutions that will put our communities on a more sustainable path and protect our children’s future. The science is clear: Human-induced climate change is already causing dangerous and widespread disruption in nature, and if we do not make steep cuts in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the coming decades, global mean temperatures are predicted to rise to a level that greatly increases the risk of harm to the planet and to us.
The good news is that solutions exist, and the even better news is that adopting them will have multiple benefits for our communities beyond reducing our impact on climate. Reducing reliance on fossil fuels improves air quality and public health, creates local jobs, and provides our communities with greater energy security. A state analysis of the employment impacts of meeting the state's climate goals estimates that tens of thousands of new jobs will be added in the Hudson Valley in clean energy industries and related sectors.. Currently, well over half of what we spend on energy leaves the state, primarily for fossil fuels. Generating more renewable energy in New York and locally, and using less of it by making our buildings and transportation more efficient, keeps more money in our pockets and keeps more spending in the local economy. Reducing reliance on fossil fuels also better insulates us from dependence on volatile international oil markets.
What are the goals of the Community Climate Action Plan?
In Executive Order 1 of 2023, County Executive Metzger set a goal of reducing community-wide GHG emissions by 40% by 2030 and 85% by 2050, aligning County climate targets with the state's climate law, known as the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. In 2022, the Ulster County Department of Environment completed a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory that identifies the sources and quantity of emissions for the entire county, and this information will be used to inform measurable reduction strategies in the CCAP to help meet County targets.
Next Steps
The plan will guide the County government decision-making about where to invest resources in new initiatives and in expanding existing programs. A Public Open House on 10/24 and online Community Survey will guide prioritization and finalization of key climate action initiatives to include in the CCAP. The final initiatives will be mapped out within the plan with funding sources, key partners, initiative elements, cost, and an implementation timeline to ensure projects and programs come to fruition.
It is an exciting time to set forth a vision for community-wide climate action in Ulster County!

Check back at this site to stay informed about upcoming events and other ways to participate in the Community Climate Action Plan.
This project has been funded in part by the Climate Smart Communities Grant Program, Title 15 of the Environmental Protection Fund through the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
Interactive Map
In your comment, please address the following question:
What climate action project would you like to see Ulster County help implement here?
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Pins must be placed within Ulster County (denoted by the yellow boundary). NYS Disadvantaged Communities are also shown on the map for reference (denoted by the green areas)
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