June 08 2023

Roundtable Discussion #1

June 8th meeting with stakeholders to introduce the study and then review each crossing location to gain gain general insights, input, and thoughts about how people and traffic move in the area and the issues faced.

June 22 2023

Public Open House

June 22nd public meeting to introduce the study, present initial findings and listen to how people use and interact with the corridor.

October 18 2023

Roundtable Discussion #2 and TAC meeting

Stakeholder and TAC meeting to present data collected for feedback.

October 25 2023

Virtual Public Open House

We invite you join us for this virtual open house on October 25 from 6PM to 8PM to learn about and share your input on the Kingston Rail Crossing Study.

Register for the meeting here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_AhIb8SfYTaKDU47zRRlbSw