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Community Survey

Ulster County is updating its Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory (GHG Inventory) and developing a Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP).

Greenhouse gases are gases in the Earth's atmosphere (including carbon dioxide and methane) that affect our weather patterns and climate, contributing to climate change. The burning of fossil fuels is the main contributor to increases in greenhouse gas levels.

 The Ulster County Community GHG Inventory is a report that tells us where those emissions are coming from in Ulster County. In our community, the top three sources of emissions are:

  • Transportation (54%)
  • Residential energy use e.g. heating, cooling and other electricity use (17%)
  • Commercial and industrial energy use (9%).

The Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP) is a strategic plan that outlines the steps a community can take to reduce reliance on burning fossil fuels and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  The Ulster County CCAP will identify and prioritize actions or “initiatives” by the County government to help reduce emissions and support residents, businesses, municipalities, and other stakeholders in making the switch to clean, energy-efficient alternatives. The benefits of climate actions must be equitable, and the County is committed to a broad and inclusive public engagement process to ensure that all voices are heard.

Your answers to this survey will help inform the development of the Community Climate Action Plan. If you have additional questions or comments, please email: environment@co.ulster.ny.usThis survey will close on Friday, August 23, 2024.